Snoezlen Therapy

Several students find comfort and time to settle in the "Light Room" (Snoezelen)... a room which provides sensory effects (tactile, visual, auditory). Each student determines how much or how little they want activated when they enter the room.
Classrooms are staffed with a certified teacher plus 1-2 full time assistants. All faculty members of the Felician School are NJ Certified Teachers and Therapists, many of whom hold advanced degrees and multiple certifications.
Support or Special Services include:
- Occupational and Physical Therapy (through outside contractors)
- Speech Therapy – full-time Speech Therapists on staff
- Adapted Physical Education – full-time Adapted PE Teacher
- Counseling and Behavior Therapy – School Psychologist
- Structured Learning Experiences (community-based learning) – full-time certified SLE Coordinators and Job Coaches
- Vocational Training – 2 on-site Workshop settings
- Health Education and Services – full-time School Nurse
- Music Therapy – full-time Music Therapist
- Snoezelen Therapy (Multi-Sensory Therapy Room)
Comments of visiting nursing students from Felician College:
"This school is an AMAZING environment!" "I applaud the staff on their wonderful and dedicated work" "...staff is very in tune with the children" "...they have a strong dedication to providing the skills and knowledge needed for the students" "You can just see the professionalism, respect, and high levels of care displayed by each and every person in this beautiful place!"